
Oct 10, 2012

TweetDeck cleans up its act with design overhaul

TweetDeck redesign

TweetDeck has received a major redesign, with font size choices, and a new all-white look. All its missing is a single-column view.

Popular Twitter client TweetDeck received a major design overhaul today, which gives users more options to tweak the look and feel to their liking.

The most obvious new design aspect you’ll notice is the font change, which is far easier on the eyes than in the previous version. Moreover, users can now choose between three different font sizes: small (13pt), medium (14pt), and large (15pt). While this might not seem like that big of a switch, it is an instantly noticeable improvement over the previous design, which now seems almost unreadable by comparison.

An arguably bigger design change is the addition of a white theme, which can be turned on with the click of a toggle switch located on near the top-left corner of the app. The classic dark theme is still available, of course, for those of you who dislike the brightness of the new look.


To update to the new version, just follow these instructions, via TweetDeck:

The update is live now on If you use the Windows app, just restart to trigger an auto-update. Chrome app users should restart Chrome to update the app and the updated Mac app is available now in the Mac App Store.

While TweetDeck, which is owned by Twitter, does not explicitly say so, the update appears to have fixed some of the window re-sizing issues that plagued the previous version — at least, re-sizing works far better for me now than it did before the update. As a TweetDeck user, my only remaining complaint is that the application no longer has a single-column view, as it did before Twitter scooped up the client and made it its own. In fact, you still cannot adjust the size of the app’s window to make it smaller than three-columns wide.

Why this is the case, I’ve yet to find an answer. But if you’re listening, TweetDeck, please, for the love of the microblogging gods, bring back the single-column view. Your heavy users will thank you. And if you don’t, we may be forced to switch over to Tweetbot, which does a great single-column view. That is, if Twitter doesn’t kill it off before we have a chance.

Source : digitaltrends[dot]com

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