
Aug 14, 2012

Rosy Outlook? Microsoft’s new Webmail service gets 10 million users in first two weeks

Two weeks after launching its Hotmail replacement, Outlook, Microsoft says it already has 10 million users.

According to Microsoft, the take-up of its new Webmail service, Outlook, has been pretty swift, with more than 10 million people signing up in the first two weeks.

Writing on the company’s SkyDrive blog, Microsoft employee Chris Jones said he and his colleagues have been “truly humbled” by the response to the Hotmail replacement.

It’s not clear whether these are totally fresh sign-ups, or whether the number includes users migrating over from Hotmail. Also, no doubt a portion of the new users include those with Webmail accounts with other companies who are simply curious to see what Microsoft’s new offering is like, without any serious intention of switching to the service permanently – unless it really dazzles them, of course.

Launched at the start of this month, Outlook offers not only Webmail but also social networking functionality, cloud storage in the form of its SkyDrive service, and Office Web Apps – a web-based version of its well-known Office software.

DT’s Molly McHugh went hands-on with Outlook recently, describing it as having a “beautiful, uncluttered interface,” and praising Microsoft for having done “an admirable job making Outlook simple and fluid.”

Molly gave the new Webmail client the thumbs-up, though added that there are “plenty of kinks that need to be ironed out.” Check out her in-depth review here.

While 10 million sign-ups in two weeks isn’t at all bad for a new service, it still has some way to go before it has any hope of equaling Gmail’s user base of around 425 million. However, once Hotmail users – of which there are thought to be around 350 million – switch over, its user base will of course be significantly boosted.

What will be interesting to know is how many Gmail and Yahoo users dump their existing service in favor of Outlook. Have you given it a try yet?

[Image: amasterphotographer / Shutterstock]

Source : digitaltrends[dot]com

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