
Nov 15, 2012

How To Increase Your Internet Connection Speed

A slow Internet connection speed can really be a hassle, especially if you don’t have broadband, and there are still a lot of people out there that don’t have fast or high speed internet broadband. However, the good news is that there are ways you can speed things up without too much work. There are many ways to speed up your Internet connection. We’re going to look at 5 of them.

5 Easy Ways To Increase Your Internet Connection Speed

1. Perform regular computer maintenance:

It doesn’t matter how fast your internet connection is if your computer is been slowed down by a bunch of files you don’t need. So, it’s important every now and then that you look at what you have on the computer and what you actually need. If you don’t need that photo editing software, then uninstall it. If you don’t need that YouTube downloader, then uninstall it. And so on. Also, a good defrag utility is very important to keep your computer in top shape. It’s suggested that you defragment your computer at least once a month.

To run a disk defragmenter, Go to Start menu >> All Programs >> Accessories >> System Tools >> Disk Defragmenter

The next thing to do is to actually de fragment your disk or tell the computer to analyse your disk before defragmenting, if you have multiple volumes, you can select the partition you wish to defragment, if you click analyse, it will analyse your disk to determine whether there’s need for defragmenting or not

Other tools like Disk Cleanup and registry repair are very important to keep your computer at top speed, to clean up your disk,  Go to Start menu >> All Programs >> Accessories >> System Tools >> Disk Cleanup (cleanmgr.exe).The disk cleanup utility will search and analyzes the hard drive for files that are no longer of any use, and then remove the unnecessary files. Some of the files can include: temporary Internet files, temporary Windows file, downloaded program files, recycle bin, unused applications or optional Windows components, setup log files, off-line files

2. Bandwith! Bandwith! Bandwith!:

Your bandwith usage is critical to speeding up your Internet connection. There are many applications that use up bandwith in the background, like Windows Update and Real Player. Configure these applications so that they don’t start when you boot up the computer. That way, they don’t use any bandwith or memory, lots of these applications are also memory hogs, which slows your computer even more

3. Scan your computer for malware and spyware:

Malware and spyware often use an Internet connection to send information to it’s developers. That slows down your Internet connection even more. A good scanning utility such as Avera and AVG are very important, and not just for viruses but can help optimise your computer and improve performance

If your computer has more than one antivirus software, this could significantly slow it down, sometimes after uninstalling your antivirus software, it could still leave some files in the registry, to completely remove this, you’ll need to go to your registry by typing regedit in your search programs and files, type in the antivirus software, find the files and clean up things

4. Browser:

Some browsers, like Internet Explorer, are really slow, which means your Internet connection slows down with it. It’s best to get a faster browser, like Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome or Opera. Chrome, in particular, is great with computers that are low in memory, as opposed to those which have lots of it.

Google Chrome – The best Internet Browser :)

5. Contact your service provider:

Finally, contact your service provider and ask them what is up with their connection speeds. It just might be that you need more of a boost in speed, and they will be happy to set you up with an upgrade. Don’t be afraid to talk to them, they want to keep your business and will be willing to help you in any way they can.

There it is, five easy ways that you can speed up your Internet connection. Regular maintenance, Monitoring your system and bandwidth  making sure you scan your computer for malicious viruses, malware and spyware, checking your browser and talking with the people at your service provider might just be a good start. It’s up to you to make sure that your Internet connection remains as fast as possible.

Tags: Bandwith, Computer Maintenance, Internet Explorer, Malware, Spyware

Source : techtalkafrica[dot]com

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