
Dec 4, 2012

McDonald’s hopes to avoid earlier #McDStories fiasco with new Twitter campaign

You might recall how McDonald's #McDStories Twitter campaign ended up backfiring for the fast food giant. Almost a year on, it'll be hoping its latest attempt at engaging with social media will prove more successful.

Almost a year after a Twitter campaign by McDonald’s went horribly wrong, the fast food giant has decided to have another try.

In its new “everyone loves to dunk” ad – apparently its first TV ad incorporating a Twitter hashtag – the company highlights its Pro Bowl tie-up. At the very end it displays its  #McDProBowl hashtag on the screen, though don’t blink or you’ll miss it.

The new official restaurant sponsor of the NFL is giving football enthusiasts the opportunity to bag a pair of tickets (beware, linked page plays music) for some Pro Bowl merriment in Hawaii next month. All you have to do is tweet the aforementioned hashtag “up to five times a day” until December 18, when the winning name will be pulled from a hat.

Alternatively, pop into a McDonald’s between December 4 and 18, buy a pack of 20 Chicken McNuggets and inside you might be lucky enough to find one of 20 pairs of tickets for the Pro Bowl event – think Willy Wonka with grease.

Following a Twitter hashtag campaign by McDonald’s back in January when an invitation to tweet warm and uplifting stories about the fast food firm turned into a chance for people to tell precisely the opposite kind of tales, the company’s marketing team will undoubtedly be monitoring the #McDProBowl page with a great deal of interest.

At the time of writing, the tweets are mostly positive. However, a few are pushing the other way, but even these still include the #McDProBowl hashtag and are therefore eligible to enter the draw. One says, “Almost thinking about eatin McDonald’s chicken nuggets just for a ticket to the probowl”, while another has appeared on the feed with its own hashtag – #McVomit – although admittedly this is the result of a retweet.

McDonald’s will be sincerely hoping that the publicity surrounding its latest Twitter campaign will be of the favorable variety and that it won’t be left red-faced as it was with its earlier attempt at harnessing the power of social media.

Source : digitaltrends[dot]com

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