Credit: ABC News via 'Hey Girl' Extension
Sometimes, just sometimes, there just isn’t enough Ryan Gosling on the Internet.
But a new browser extension aptly called “Hey Girl” is curing the Internet of that void: It substitutes every photo on a Web page with one of the actor-turned-Internet icon.
Head over to, drag the bookmarklet to your bookmarks bar or install the Chrome extension, and when you click on the button it will substitute the photos on the page with a fine selection of Ryan Gosling images.
Oh yes, turning every website into a Ryan Gosling collage is that simple.
“The way the extension works is that it tests each image [to determine] if it is horizontal, vertical or a square and replaces them appropriately. Within each group there are four or five photos,” Katherine Champagne, the 25-year-old creator of the little app, told ABC News.
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For those unfamiliar with the Ryan Gosling “Hey Girl” meme, back in 2008 photos of the sultry actor were posted with the text “Hey Girl” below. It then just became a fairly established Internet thing.
Champagne came up with the idea of the clever Web tool in a Web developer workshop. While it was first created just to make fun of a fellow classmate and originally used Channing Tatum photos, her teacher pushed her a bit further and told her to create something that would manipulate Web page elements live using JavaScript.
“I started working on it and I changed the Channing Tatum photos to Ryan Gosling,” she said. “Because, duh, it’s the Internet.”
Source : abcnews[dot]go[dot]com
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