
Mar 9, 2014

Windows Phone 8.1 gets WiFi Sense

It looks like the list of new features for Windows Phone 8.1 keeps growing and growing.

The latest one is a nifty little option called WiFi Sense.

We’ve got a video of it in action posted below. It’s basically a WiFi timer, and it allows you to keep your WiFi turned off, and have it come back on after a pre-set interval time.

Why would anyone want this? There are a couple of scenarios where this can be useful. For example, if you want to conserve battery life while you’re working, sleeping, or are otherwise preoccupied. Also, if you know that you’re going to be in an area with WiFi after a while, your phone will automatically connect to WiFi without having to keep it enabled all the time. Or let’s say you’re driving in a crowded area, such as NYC, where there are tons of WiFi hotspots that your phone is constantly trying to connect to, and your cell data connection becomes disrupted as a result. Keep WiFi turned off for the duration of the drive, and when you return back home to your preferred network, WiFi Sense will turn your precious wireless back on, and you can get back to browsing.

What do you think of the feature?

Thanks to Yousuf Iqbal for the tip!

Source : blog[dot]gsmarena[dot]com

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