
Oct 12, 2012

Apple iPad Mini to be announced on October 23, new rumors say

Lately, it’s been quiet on the iPad Mini rumors side. When 10 Oct, the rumored invitation day, came and went, we started worrying that previous rumors have let us down. While this may be the case indeed, not all is lost, as new rumors suggest the announcement event has only been moved to October 23.

Today’s rumors are not any better than the last, but at least, they help keep our hopes high. The sources of this new version have shared it with fellow journalists at AllThingsD, who seem to trust them.

Unfortunately, there are no new details about the 7.85″ slate and there isn’t even a rumored venue for the announcement. Either way, if the event is supposed to happen on the 23rd, Apple should be sending the invites next week, so we’ll know more then for sure.

The end of the month shapes up to be a really busy time for the industry, if the current rumors are to be believed.

This supposed iPad Mini announcement on the 24 will be followed by the launch of Windows 8 and Microsoft’s own tablet, the Surface, on Oct 26. Then only a few days later, on Oct 29, Microsoft will present its Windows Phone 8 OS. That’s also the same date rumored for the launch of the LG Nexus phone.

It seems the competition will try to steal the spotlight from MS. We’ll see how it goes.

Source : blog[dot]gsmarena[dot]com

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