While it has tons of advantages, the internet can turn out to be a nightmare, especially for parents. There are many educational sites for your children on the web, but on the other hand, inappropriate sites are also everywhere. This in turn makes the internet very unsafe for children.
There are a number of things that you can do in such situations. You’ll require website-blocking applications and the web addresses of the inappropriate sites. Of course, these requirements will only be meaningful when you have an active internet service, a computer, and an internet browser.
The first step involves keeping an eye on the history files of your internet browser. History files usually list all the sites that have been visited over a certain period. Details such as the date a site was visited and the web address of the site are provided. This will give you a clear picture of which sites you deem inappropriate. You can find the history files by clicking the history tab on your internet browser.
Once you’ve taken note of the inappropriate sites, you’ll need to change your privacy settings.
Step 1: Open your internet explorer
Step 2: Once in the Menu Bar, You need to click Tools → Internet Options → Content.
Step 3: Once you are in the Content Advisor box, click Enable, Click the Approve sites Tab and Enter the addresses of the website, then Click never and then ok
The next step is to make sure that you select Users can see websites that have no ratings, enter an easy-to-remember password. and Click OK to easily surf the web
Though this method will partly block the sites that your child has been visiting that you are aware of, it won’t block him/her from visiting new inappropriate sites. You’ll thus be required to take more measures.
A website-blocking application has the ability to automatically determine the website that someone is trying to access through a computer. If the website is blacklisted, it can’t be viewed by your child. Additionally, website-blocking software can also anonymously track which sites your child has been visiting. Better yet, you have the option of setting your own security levels. This can thus be quite useful when you have children of different ages.
Though website-blocking software can be quite efficient, they squeeze unnecessary additional costs from your pocket. Finding the right Internet Service Provider can save you all this trouble. There are some Internet Service Providers (ISPs) that have high –tech website-blocking applications which filter out inappropriate content. The best thing about them is that you need not worry about knowing all the inappropriate sites so that you can add them to a “blocked sites” list. More often, these ISPs dedicate some of their workers to manually visit the unknown sites that have been viewed by your child and block the sites if any inappropriate content is found.
Because the internet has several loopholes, all these methods won’t guarantee you that your child won’t visit inappropriate sites. Blocking inappropriate content from your children doesn’t always rely on getting expensive website-blocking software and getting your internet service from reliable ISPs. Sometimes, talking to your children about the downside of inappropriate content is all that you need to do. Moreover, you can place the computer in a more open location where any attempt to view inappropriate content will always be hampered.
Tags: Adult Site Blocking, Adult Sites, Adult Websites, Website BlockingSource : techtalkafrica[dot]com
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