
Sep 30, 2012

Struggling to engage readers with your Google Plus Account – here is how to do this

Your facebook fan page is bustling with users’ activities and it is soul satisfying to see that all your hard work and sacrifices have finally started paying you off. But when you look around and see the Google Plus Profile, the dismal picture sucks out all the happiness of your heart. Yes, I know Google Plus is a different ball of Wax and marketers are still by and large clueless how to promote their brands via this new product from the house of Google. Though I am no expert, here I am going to give you some tips that you can give a go if you wish to see some difference in this dismal picture:

Follow People who are active: You should not be following people who might not be that much interested in your product or service. For say if you say if you are selling baby products, you should not be targeting teenagers because most perhaps they might not be interested in giving a thump-up to your Google Plus profile.  But yes, I am well aware of the difficulties associated with finding the targeted readers who will appreciate your hard work and will help you spread your words far and wide.  However, with “Google Plus” Search, thing can be made a little less harsh.

Just make a search with any keyword in the given search box located at the top of Google Plus and you will be flooded with real time updating stream.  And right below the Keyword in the search box, you will find another box asking you to specify the search. Just make a selection from the options available and you will have all the information at your disposal. Here we will be selecting “People and Pages” option from the Dropdown menu to have the details of all the people and pages that have the keywords we have targeted in their profiles.

Now, if you wish to find the most popular post around the topic, you can select “Spark” option or alternatively, you can select “Google+ Post” to find posts made around that keywords.

So, now you have got ample option to find targeted people who are most perhaps interested in what you share and what you sell.

Do Comment:  You know why people are not active on your Google Plus page? Because you do not encourage them to do so. To build a platform buzzing with activities of the users, you need to be actively involved in the process.  Just following the right people is not going to do the magic, you need to invest some time to interact with the targeted audience. Share some thought provoking insights and I believe they will start following you and your brands.

And whenever someone leaves a message in the Google Plus, you need to take some out of your busy schedule and get into the conversation. It will encourage them to come back to your Google Plus page again and again.

Be there in hangout: Doing a hangout is a great way to meet with new people and share your views. Moreover, it helps you build a great relationship with the targeted audience and give the whole marketing campaign a new lease of life. Face to face conversion is far more engaging and encouraging than just sending out ordinary press release or emails. This will make people connect to your brands and will forester a long lasting relationship.

Yes I know you may be introvert in nature but you should give “hangout a chance”. Now, if you do not know bean about where to start this hangout thing, do not stress. Just do it and you will just be awesome.

Produce something shocking and share worthy: Just sharing great quotes or articles on Google Plus page is not going to do the magic. To make the most of this beautiful and equally powerful platform, you need to come up with some awesome updates crafted by your own imagination.

Your updates should be adding some real value to visitors. You can easily draw attention of the visitors by doing something awkward or by sharing some controversial things without crossing the red line. The bottom-line is you need to get them dragged to the conversion by any means. So, add some spice in the updates, offer discount codes, share some videos etc.

Michael Evans is a passionate writer and he is a associated with Globalserve. He has written several articles on Cyprus Taxation.

Tags: Google Plus

Source : techtalkafrica[dot]com

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